This page introduces how to use the Village efficiently.
Earthlings NFT Overview
How to get Village-EU
You can purchase it from the following website.
This site is called a secondary market, and is where so-called ordinary owners list items for sale. In some cases, projects are listed and sold directly on this site from the outset.
【Name of the sales site】
【Link to the marketplace】
【Breakdown of the marketplace】
Secondary distribution 90% (due to so-called resale)
primary distribution 10% (items sold by the project to the general public)
[Image as of 14 August 2024]

[How to Purchase]
There is an article explaining how to purchase on a separate page.
Please refer to the following link.
How to buy and collect NFTs ← Click to move to page.
*There are several secondary marketplaces, but Sentx is probably the most well-known.
We plan to post information about the in-game shop in Earthlings.
Item Drop
We plan to post hints on how to obtain it in the Earthlings game.
At Earthlings, a quiz tournament called the Hunt Game is held regularly.
The prizes vary from game to game, but NFTs are sometimes awarded as prizes.
How to use Village-EU
We plan to publish information on classic quests in games.
[Official information]
[Supplementary information (from the perspective of gamers and investors)]
Gamer’s Plot
[Official information]
・Rights to use Gamer’s Plot [What you can do with Gamer’s Plot]
-Utilising shipping container parks
-Utilising abandoned underground car parks
-Forming a team
-Use of inventory (item boxes)
-NFT rental
-Jumping to other plots (transference)
-Receive a percentage of the gamer’s reward (royalty)
In the Earthlings game, in addition to the item-type NFTs that are used, there are also NFTs that are like real estate with revenue rights attached. One of these is called ‘Village’, and it also appears as facility within the game.
Attached to this ‘Village’ is a ‘Gamer’s Plot’, which is one of the in-game fields used by gamers when they play, and for each Village, there is one Gamer’s Plot attached to it.
Please note that the Gamer’s Plot is not ‘owned’, but rather the right to use it. It is thought that you can continue to have the right to use it if you are judged to be ‘playing’ in the game.

[Supplementary information (from the perspective of gamers and investors)]
Health Charge (recovery of physical strength)
[Official information]
As you continue to explore in the Earthlings game, your player’s stamina will be depleted. You may be attacked by enemies or fall into a trap. In such cases, one place to recover is the ‘Village’.

[Official information]
In the Earthlings game, you will probably acquire various items (NFTs). Players have a limit on the number of items they can hold, but the Inventory function allows you to store items that you can’t hold.
The Village Plot has this ‘inventory’ function, which is perfect for playing the game to your heart’s content.

Jump (Jump to your plots)
[Official information]
In the Earthlings game, you basically move around by controlling your avatar, but one of the features of the Village Plot is that you can travel long distances using a method of movement called ‘jumping’.
This function is called ‘Jump’, but it would be more accurate to call it ‘Teleportation’.
This jump function allows you to move to your own plots (Village,Town, City Plot, Land, Cabin, etc.) as if you were teleporting. You could call it ‘instant teleportation’.
The field in the game covers the whole of Europe, so this method of travel is very useful.

[Official information] ‘with steam token revenue’, ‘with royalties’
The Custom Shop is a feature in Earthlings that allows you to sell your favourite NFTs. The Custom Shop is one of the features available in the Village, and its owner can use it as they like. The profits made from the shop are returned to the owner of the Village NFT as royalties.
[Supplementary information (from the perspective of gamers and investors)]
It seems that anything that has been approved by the Earthlings management can be sold. Bring your favourite NFTs to Earthlings and sell them in the custom shop.

Village hall
[Official information]
It is one of the facilities in the village in the Earthlings game.
[Supplementary information (from the perspective of gamers and investors)]
Its purpose is still unknown, but we think it may be a multipurpose facility for events and other uses.

Farm land
[Official information] ‘steam token reward generated’ , ‘with royalty rights’
Farm land is a feature of the Earthlings game that allows you to farm. Farm land NFTs are expected to be available for purchase by participating in the pre-sale of the whitelist given to holders of Village NFTs.
Farm land NFTs are NFTs with revenue rights that generate rewards in the form of steam tokens and royalties for holders.
[Supplementary information (from the perspective of gamers and investors)]
The fact that agricultural products exist in the Earthlings game means that there is a concept of food, and that players need to ‘eat’ in order to play the game.
In other words, this means that you will be involved in food production and will be able to obtain strong steam token income. Farm land can also be said to be a powerful revenue-generating NFT.

Pet Shop
[Official information] ‘steam token reward generated’ , ‘with royalty rights’
Various animals appear in the Earthlings game.
・and many other animals
Pet shops are where you can get animals.
There are various types, such as those specialised for fighting and those specialised for agricultural production, but you can get the partner you need to make the most of your game and enjoy it to the fullest.
[Supplementary information (from the perspective of gamers and investors)]
There are several types of animals in Earthlings, including those that specialise in combat and those that are involved in agricultural production.
Whether you’re playing for combat or agricultural production, they’ll be a powerful partner to make the game more fun and advantageous, so the amount of animals you trade will probably increase as your game grows.
In other words, obtaining the NFT for the Pet Shop means obtaining a powerful revenue right.

inn(such as recovery of physical strength)
[Official information] ‘with Steam token revenue rights’ , ‘with royalty rights facility’
In Earthlings, players have a concept of ‘health’. This is something that depletes over time in the game, and it is also a status that decreases rapidly if you are attacked by an enemy.
The ‘inn’ is where you can recover this.
The Inn has the right to earn revenue, and you will receive royalties for the accommodation fees.
[Supplementary information (from the perspective of gamers and investors)]
There are many ways to recover health in the game, but owning an inn is one of them, and it is suitable for automating revenue.

Land plot
[Official information]
There are 12 lands in the village.

[Official information]
In the Earthlings game, as development progresses, the functions of village will shift from existing, confirmed functions to undeveloped functions. One of these is ‘Future Options’, which will give village NFT holders various additional benefits in the future.
[Supplementary information (from the perspective of gamers and investors)]
The development of Earthlings’ games is progressing day by day, but holders of village NFTs, who have been supporting the development from the start, have the chance to obtain these benefits. This is because the Earthlings development cycle is made up of an alternating cycle of development and funding (NFT holders).
From the early stages of Earthlings development, holding NFTs and supporting the operation not only accelerates Earthlings development, but also has strong benefits for the supporters.

Price range for Village-EU
[Price range] hbar token market
5,499 hbar token and up (value as of 15 August 2024: $297 and up)

In-game shop
We plan to post Information about the in-game shop in Earthlings
Private Transaction
Because the marketplace charges a commission, it is cheaper to sell privately. However, even private sellers sometimes sell at high prices, so be sure to check the market price.
The Strategy of Village-EU
A strategy known only to a select few
The Village-EU…