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Pannonian Region Adventures


We will be introducing the efficient exploration of Pannonian.

Overview of the whole region (Europe)

Earthlings’ game field is all over Europe.
Other than Europe, Asia, America and Africa are also candidates, and if development progresses, they will be implemented.
There are also many other candidate locations.

Earthlings has many regions.
It is a division like a state or prefecture, but when you advance the exploration in each region, the game player will make various choices.

What will you choose?

・Who will your avatar be?
・What will you equip?
・What will your sidekick be?
・Will your NFT be a combat type or a non-combat type?
・Will you play in the production system?
・Will you take on quests?
・How will you get around?
・What time of day will you play?

You might be thinking that.

It’s easier to decide which direction to take once you’ve decided which area to explore.

The regions in the game are as follows.

In each region, there are avatars and sidekicks that make exploration easier, and there are also combinations that make exploration more difficult.

The game field is very large, and it will be difficult to conquer the whole area.

First, choose an avatar that interests you, or choose a region, and then proceed with your exploration planning.

We will provide information on the game field to make the game more fun and to help you progress more easily. We will support your play.

The clues to the Earthlings’ strategy
are ’shown here’.

Best regards.
no earthlings no new era


Overview of Pannonian region

Forests and Pasture

There are many forests, and you will see people grazing their animals in various places.


hilly area

Forest, forest, forest…



Jump map information that allows you to move the plot in Pannonian region

Jump point ‘? ? ?’ (difficulty of use: ? ? ?)

Jump point ‘? ? ?’ (difficulty of use: ? ? ?)

Jump point ‘? ? ?’ (difficulty of use: ? ? ?)

Pannonian region wild sidekick habitat information

Time of day you encounter it

Encounter conditions

Encounter Point

Pannonian region wild farm animals habitat information

Time of day you encounter it

Encounter conditions

Encounter Point

Map of events taking place at Pannonian region


Pannonian region racing information map

Shortcut points

Quest information map for Pannonian region


Operation information map when developing a airship business at Pannonian region

take-off and landing point

Danger Zone


Map of the Pannonian region’s archaeological sites

Underground Ruins


Strategy information for developing railway business in the Pannonian region


Map of river information in the Pannonian region


Map of diving information for the Pannonian region


Map of information on land cabins in the Pannonian region


Map of Pannonian region barge information

Installation location

Details of the explore procedure



Time requiredTime taken for one explore, taking into account breaks: XX minutes to XX minutes

explore procedure

End criteria for explore



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